Apparently Putin's landslide victory means Russian morale is low.

Other bangers from this collective of intellectual giants include claims that the massive turnout victory for Putin in Russia in fact demonstrates "things are not well", "the economy is collapsing, "the military is resisting orders", and "the population knows he is a thief". Seriously they are literally writing this on Twitter...

  • fanbois [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Gonna be real with you, that is my position on average with the US government and specifically the state department or anything involving intelligence agencies. If the CIA said the sky is blue, I would look twice and still might be sceptical from that moment.

      6 months ago

      Their internal reports are usually much more accurate (and say the opposite of whatever they feed to the public). If the CIA is telling you "the sky is blue" it isn't because the sky is green and they're lying to you, it's because they're trying to hide something else in there, so it might be a "the sky is blue, for now, but China is working on a sky-greening device that will change that forever."