A show about fake ultrarich people played by less rich people watched by poor people. A show that has pretensions about flagellating the rich while still somehow revelling in their debauchery and parasitism, a sort of recursive self-awareness that is supposed to somehow absolve the characters (and the irl rich?). Somehow it is both the sale of anti capitalism back to the anti capitalists whilst also scratching a Keeping Up With the Kardashians itch for watching the inter-familial spats of our feudal overlords.

A contemporary Game of Thrones where everyone is bad and there is no good and it’s just a TV show so it doesn’t matter, which handily conceals the fact that our everyday reality is literally this show, and that the stakes in real life are actually weighty and have moral and material value and can easily be viewed as right and wrong.

Along with a healthy dose of “their daddy was mean to them so it’s not their fault they’re all disgusting bourgeois pigs”.

What the fuck. We desperately need prolekult. I’m so sick of this two faced culture that sells our own hatred back to us and pokes the reward centres in our brain - “hey you just watched a pithy comment that could KIND SORTA be construed as anti capitalist on a million dollar show on a billion dollar network, you’ve done your leftism for the day!”

What stage of capitalism is it when everyone is so widely aware capitalism sucks that the most successful business model is pretending you agree that capitalism sucks?


  • HarryLime [any]
    2 years ago

    This thread is full of leftists subtly talking themselves into supporting the Hayes Code lol

    • DigimonOtis [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      First world leftists are so alienated from the idea of a genuine proletarian revolution -- though not entirely wrongly so -- that they can only imagine getting into power as like a Blanquist takeover where all media needs to be managed personally by the party from above rather than destroying the material and social bases for reactionary thought in the first place.

      • Diogenes_Barrel [love/loves]
        2 years ago

        every proletarian revolution thus far has had censorship of the reactionaries why would we be free of the same need?

      • Bloobish [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Gonna still need to censor and re-educate the reactionaries post revolution, comrade.

      • glimmer_twin [he/him]
        2 years ago

        How does one destroy the material and social bases for reactionary thought in one fell swoop? Doing that presupposes a proletariat so conscious and developed that those material and social bases probably already stopped existing in such a scenario.