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Democrats and The Left

    9 months ago

    Both parties have been moving steadily to the right for the last 40 years. So now, the Democrats are where the Republicans were in the 1980s: boring corporatists and friends of banks, pharmaceutical and insurance companies.

    And the Republicans have moved all the way into an insane asylum.

    9 months ago

    I'm holding that saw and waiting while the fascist right continues to boil itself to death. It's a question of whether we boil with it or not.

    The Dems are a center right party and we're stuck with a (mostly) two party system because of our First Past the Post voting system. That means I vote for the one of two choices closest to me, so Dems it is in the general election.

    Give me a Ranked Choice Vote and Dems move to my #2 slot under an actual progressive party candidate.