Is there a database of sorts for these things? It seems like there should be.

    5 months ago

    I'm setting up a media PC for my TV using refurbished hardware. The biggest pain right now is controlling the interface. I got one of those cheap keyboards with trackpads but they stopped working in a month. Reading this post makes me wonder if I can reuse one of the old IR remotes lying around in my home. Generating shortcut keys and binding them might be easy but what can be done for text/voice to text input?

      5 months ago

      Raspberry Pi having HDMI HEC put an end to me using those crappy remotes, now I just use my TV remote to control Kodi running on the rpi. I think there are adapters you can buy that will do it as well.

        5 months ago

        I'll have to read up on what you mean using IR remotes to control a Pi through HDMI HEC. The computer I'm using has an DP output that I've used an adapter to feed to my TV HDMI. So I may not be able to use your setup. But it sounds novel and interesting so I would definitely like to learn more. Thanks.

          5 months ago

          Yeah, so essentially the TV remote sends the signals down the HDMI cable to the raspberry pi to put it in its simplest terms. If you hold 0 for 3s or something (I have a Toshiba TV, so probably manufacturer specific), the remote then controls the TV the same way it does normally. I think there are HDMI CEC adapters you can buy, but the rpi has it built-in so I've not had to bother, I've been using it for about 5 years I think.