Before Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind there was Daggerfall, the second entry in what has become a household name for fantasy RPGs. The original is available on Steam and GOG, though 23 years later we have a modern remake in the form of Daggerfall Unity which brings in modern graphics, controls, QoL improvements and mod support (as well as Linux and Mac support).

    5 months ago

    open source ... in the Unity engine

    *removed externally hosted image*

      5 months ago

      Just because the company has been scummy doesn't mean that unity stopped being one of the best free game engines available. I like godot but it's not even close, they just don't have the resources and man hours spent yet.

        5 months ago

        free game engine

        *removed externally hosted image*

                5 months ago

                You said it was free:

                  5 months ago

                  I never said it was GNU certified free as in freedom, libre software. Its free as in you can just fucking download it and use it without paying. You're being a pedantic asshole and people wonder why the FOSS community isn't more popular.

                    5 months ago

                    I just realised I made a mistake; I thought this was a different, Linux-specific community. I apologise.

      5 months ago

      Despite the best efforts of their former management Unity games are still playable!

          5 months ago

          True, but it's not like they were trying to get it added to get GNU project, it does still require the original closed-source game for assets anyway

    5 months ago

    I didn't really get into TES until Oblivion, has anyone played Daggerfall and/or have any opinions about it?

      5 months ago

      I've been messing around with it for a minute. It's dull and repetitive, honestly. And kind of obnoxious without a magic regen mod. All quests have timers, you see, and it takes about 8 hours of resting after each fight to heal to full and recover MP. The dungeons are way bigger than they need to be, and each and every one is a randomly generated labyrinth filled to bursting with monsters. You're playing find-the-needle-in-the-haystack and can probably afford to get into 10 fights before you fail the quest you're on.

      All of the stuff i like best in daggerfall is iterated upon in later titles to be better - especially spell creation. I hear the story is interesting later on, though.

      5 months ago

      I really want to love it, but gameplay-wise it's got little in common with later TES games, and there's still plenty of things functionally broken about it. Probably my favourite gaming / let's play youtuber is Many A True Nerd, and even he gave up after three episodes. I think it's worth checking out that series for a decent overview.