
Taking a measure of satisfaction in the fact that her life is an unbroken procession of miseries

  • Greenleaf [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I’ve noticed that Fartlow, the raging narcissist that she is, complains a lot about friends “not supporting her”, which to her I’m sure means 100% validating every batshit Zionazi thought she vomits out on twitter.

    If you have to deal with any narcissists in your life, you probably have a good idea of what I’m talking about.

    Edit: I have a theory that part of her rabid Zionism is driven in part by her narcissism. At some point she internalized her Jewish identity and so she sees any “attack” on Israel, regardless of the validity, as an attack on herself. And she responds with the ferocity of any narcissist when they feel they are being criticized. I mean for someone who is so pro-Israel, no real job, and afaik no real connection to where she currently lives (a Scot living in LA), never could figure why she just doesn’t move to Israel.

    • SteamedHamberder [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Because she requires a sense of persecution to feel validated. Remember sentient tote bag Blake Flayton? No. Because he moved to Israel and everyone just ignored him.

      • mushroom [he/him]
        5 months ago

        lol he moved back to the usa within less than 6 months, but remains a fervent zionist. wonder why he hasn't gone and joined the idf yet...

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Even this unhinged Twitter thread is importantly predicated upon the idea that 'years from now the world will have decided that she specifically was right'.

      She's telling herself that all this self-inflicted misery is worth it because one day everyone important will lionize her and grovel for her to accept their apologies and praise, instead of even less people knowing who this crank is than even now. It's absolutely delusional to the point of being genuinely sad.

      On the other hand, she's a fascist so fuck her.