As always, please ensure you stop your Jellyfin server and take a full backup before upgrading!

    5 months ago

    When I first set up my jf docker image I left the config and data directories in the docker container instead of pointing them outside. Now when I try to update I lose all my metadata. Is there a way to move those folders before I upgrade? Edit-typos

    5 months ago

    As always, please ensure you stop your Jellyfin server and take a full backup before upgrading!

    Now, if only there was a simple, built-in way to backup/export and restore/import all settings and other data, so that all platforms could do this easily, without having to search the internet for which folders to back up...

    FYI, this is the best we have atm (which is pretty terrible). Please correct me if there is a better way:

    How to backup a JF instance?

    Jellyfin Docs: Migrating

    5 months ago

    Woohoo! I think the fix for iOS audiobooks that I helped (well asked enough questions that someone else then fixed quickly) bring into the world!

    5 months ago

    Seems like this is a feature on newest Jellyfin Media Player (1.10.0) and not server itself, but you now have clickable tag and studio properties. Not sure if you could already search for let's say "New Line Cinema", but now you can intuitively filter by these values just by clicking. Great addition.