Money is pouring into Europe from ultraconservative US foundations. One of the biggest spenders is the Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian right wing organization that has played a prominent part in rolling back gender, abortion, and LGBTQIA+ rights on both sides of the Atlantic. Its latest tax filing shows it has doubled its spending in Europe since 2018.

This unfolds in a context where we could see a new right wing majority in the European Parliament after the European elections on 9 June, that includes the far right, and in parallel we may see Donald Trump retake the US Presidency. Considering the work done by the Trump camp to unite the European far right ­– including by forging a close alliance with the Hungarian President Viktor Orbán – this is a dangerous prospect. A strengthened European far right also bolsters the Trump camp.

This goes beyond party politics. Groups such as the ADF have been working on the ground in member states to network and build up power to overturn rights won through decades of struggle. Currently, the foundations that support the ADF and similar organisations, are increasing their spending dramatically. That is likely to strengthen their impact.

  • huf [he/him]
    5 months ago

    what on earth are you talking about, every high school had a KISZ secretary, this doesnt make orban a highly placed young communist. but, yes, he was always an ambitious man who believed in nothing. i dont know why you're telling me this, i know.

    No, the Western system is not perfect, it has big, glaring issues,

    the western system has committed the most genocides of any power in history. it's not even close, it's like an order of magnitude more at least. this is the system you're calling flawed but ultimately good.

    and bringing up china (which lifted hundreds of millions of out poverty in the last few decades alone, but sure, the leaders are only in it for money) in the same breath as modern russia... deeply unserious.

    also, is xi jinping a billionaire? source?