Non-Yank with a question for Yankie comrades.
I've recently been going back over Lenin's writings, in particular What is to Be Done?:
We have said that there could not have been Social Democratic consciousness among the workers. It would have to be brought to them from without. The history of all countries shows that the working class, exclusively by its own efforts, is able to develop only trade union consciousness, i.e. the conviction that it is necessary to combine in unions, fight the employers, and strive to compel the government to pass necessary labour legislation etc
What do USAmerican Marxists think the current correct organisational strategies are, given the particular conditions of the US? What are the limits of activity within trade-unions, compared to other countries?
To back up what @duderium said: I think the unfortunate reality is that, due to the artifically inflated quality of life that most Americans enjoy atm, the limit of what yank socialists can achieve right now is damage control and political education.
Unionization is on an upswing, as are anti-racist, abolition and environmental movements. But their scope is limited by a number of internal and external factors, not the least of which is members' own skepticism of socialism based on persistent red scare propaganda. And racism, of course.
As orgs go, the DSA is the country's biggest "left" org and it's active in a lot of cities, but ymmv as to whether it's actually doing explicitly socialist organizing or just being the progressive wing of the Democratic party. Then there's some demcent orgs like PSL which talk a good talk but have negligible membership numbers, and of course your usual gaggle of college-age anarchist circles which in practice are just weekend warrior charity groups.
Nothing will fundamentally change until the floor falls out on US economic global hegemony. You'll see some local, transient wins, some harm alleviation or some concessions won from the state, but that's the limit of what's achievable while yanks still have gas in their cars and Little Debbie cakes in their cupboards.