Or does he just have some hot/weird takes that got him in trouble?
Someone on Reddit told me he (Rovics) thinks Matthew Heimbach has reformed, for instance. Reading Heimbach's Wikipedia page he still sounds like a massive Nazbol to me (emphasis on the Naz)
I struggle to believe Rovics could make a mistake like that. I've listened to all his music, never seen him miss in a song that I can think of. Also talked to him prior to learning this and he seems cool to me
I'm suspended on Reddit for 3 days. That's why I'm asking here for now. Most charitable thing might be to ask Rovics to explain himself, but I'd have to make a Twitter account again
Don't apologise for screeds. Speed screeds or any other kind of screed. Unless it's bad, e.g. Mein Kampf what meth does to shitty people
Just don't overshare to a problematic point