Didn't know whether to prefix this as AITA, ATTA, to spell it out, etc. I posted about someone before and wanted to dip my toes in the AITA aspect of things and decided a situation they're in would work best.

The situation, if someone wants to look at it with their own eyes, can be found here, but to summarize, it goes like this.

Person 1 was feeling down on themselves and was in a popular mental health related server. This same server, going against clear site rules, has a whole section designed to help people formulate forms of self-destruction. Person 2, who is a mod, appointed Person 1 as mod, and this enlightened her mood enough to change around her server folders, also removing several servers she didn't want to leave but had to in order to be committed to moderating the server. As a part of this, she decided to spend some time in that self-destruction section of the server consoling people. In the middle of talking someone out of the act, she is abruptly banned by Person 3, who is another mod. She then asks why, first in DM's and then in group chat, where they and Person 4, a third mod, reveal that Person 5, a ban evader who has been harassing her for some time on multiple sites and causing collateral confusion has used video footage of past interactions (I looked at these videos, much of the slander seems to be of things either long-resolved or misrepresented) to make the claim that she was a deviant of some kind, and they keep pushing her to prove herself in ways oddly selective and the ways which she happens to be unable to do, also while death-baiting her, all while refusing to let her give a true testimony, saying none of that matters and only the "proof" does, and eventually they give up after misgendering her (because they say only a guy could've done that) and try to spread the claims, so she recorded/archived the conversation for display (I must give her credit, she doesn't hide stuff) and then not only do they get defensive but also accuse Person 6 (a random observer) of being coordinated with her, saying they're justified in witch hunting if it means "quelling an understandable concern". To them, she was dodging the question with what they seem certain are excuses and taking it out on them, and to her, she was obliging within the best of her ability after such an abrupt (and literal) withdrawal at the worst possible place/time and didn't think it unethical to expose a conversation about supposedly exposing the exposer for something she says isn't true. Who is the asshole?