The only thing that's missing from the new navigation layout is in my opinion an easily accessible "Frontpage" button like there was in the old navigation layout. So I made a pull request to re add the Frontpage, Settings and Explore buttons back into the sidebar for easier access.

    • Tywèle [she|her]
      3 months ago

      Yes but that button is way over in the top left corner. I use my browser in full screen as are probably most people. And on a 27" screen that's a whole lot of mouse movement every time.

      I made some more changes on the pull request so that it wouldn't change a thing for people who like it the way it is now and provide an option for people who would like it different like me.

        3 months ago

        And on a 27" screen that's a whole lot of mouse movement every time.

        Yeah, it's a bit annoying.

        Many sites do this even if the logo/title isn't far away from other controls, I guess to have a more "obvious" home button. *removed externally hosted image*