The number of states blocked by Pornhub will soon nearly double.

    13 days ago

    A little while ago I saw a map of the states where they colored in how likely a state is to pass anti-trans legislation. It was identical to Pornhubs map of how likely people in a state are to search for trans-porn. To the surprise of no one.

    13 days ago

    If you live in a conservative run state, watch what they do, in Georgia on the final day of legislation they do "sine die" which we sometimes call sign or die day where they just push through a ton of shit with little or no going over it before hand, they passed one of these social media ID laws that targets porn too, and it went through without pretty much anybody knowing about it from what I can tell.

    What kind of database of depravity to use against you are these people building.

    12 days ago

    Rape rates declined following the code spread availability of internet porn, I wonder if they will go higher in the stupid states (I live in one). Obviously, VPNs neuter the impact of the laws some, but not everyone is savvy enough to use them. I feel bad for adolescent boys.

  • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]
    13 days ago

    the point of this was moronic to begin with 5 years ago during the first porn purge

    "zomg there might be human traffickers and p3doph1les uploading porn!"---okay, don't you want them to do that? Like, doesn't it just give you more evidence and a stronger trail if the traffickers have an easily accessible outlet to satisfy their ego urges? Wouldn't it enable you to catch some traffickers that would've otherwise been missed, just by looking at their account info, upload IP, etc?

    This is like banning chip sales to China except sex crime version