Me when series where characters always looked like average people look like average people.

    9 天前

    I assume in the past few decades Konami employees have figured out what Americans actually looked like.

    9 天前

    Okay, so I wanted to make a comment saying that a shit ton, if not the majority of g*mers (in the triple-A industry) are anti-woke racist fuckers, but I'm not sure how true that sentiment is.

    The reason why I wanted to say that is because the overall narrative that I see among "woke", sweet baby topics is dominated by these kinds of people. And the other side is represented, maybe, only among the developers and a small portion of not braindead gamers, who don't play only Sony AAA exclusives.

    But I hesitated because sales numbers don't usually lie. Those scary "woke" games still made a shit ton of money, so I could probably just be exaggerating the number of people who actually care about this.

    What do you think?

    • Łumało [he/him]
      9 天前

      Okay, so I wanted to make a comment saying that a shit ton, if not the majority of g*mers (in the triple-A industry) are anti-woke racist fuckers, but I’m not sure how true that sentiment is.

      If you hate yourself... Type into YouTube "red dead 2 suffragette"

        9 天前

        Dude, what the fuck. Why does it have millions of views and tens (or rather hundreds) of thousands of likes? The comments are repulsive too, I'VE NEVER SEEN THAT.

        • Łumało [he/him]
          8 天前

          Now there's no reason to not hate capital G gamers. If someone is outright proud to be one, my first instinct is to think they're a mouth foaming reactionary.

            8 天前

            But I like shooting the racist eugenicist in Saint Denis, and coming up with increasingly goofy ways to kill everyone at the Klan meeting out in the woods when I play red dead : (

    • Procapra [comrade/them, she/her]
      9 天前

      Gamergate vids on youtube def had a stranglehold on alot of people back in the day (teenage me included) so I'm confident a significant amount of gamers still feel this way. The games still sell because they still buy them, the "wokeness" just gives them an excuse to be edgy and complain.

    9 天前

    Are the "woke dei gamergater" types a smokescreen to distract from the fact that the SH2 remake will be bad???

    8 天前

    🤓 um ACKTUALLY Angela was based on Sandra Bullock and by not having her as a 19 year old super model in the remake is [swirlie] garbagagagrgrgrgr

    8 天前

    I don’t understand what the problem in these images is. One looks to have a more defined face with lighter brows/eyelashes. Also, isn’t the character shown here Angela? I looked up Maria and she’s a completely different woman…