The Idea

  • Watch and discuss movies together (kinda like a book club)
  • "Crowd source" recommendations for not-entirely-new films (IE, older than a year or so, let's say)
  • Aim for generally bettering or curating our film "diet"

How it will work (at least at first)

  • 1 film a month
  • First, a post to take nominations/suggestions
    • Post any film you want to watch, or have heard good things about, or recommend to everyone else
  • Second, a post to take votes on the nominations
  • And then we watch and discuss the winner

First round will start next month (July)

Please share any thoughts/feedback, though we'll likely run this at least once first before making any changes, just to feel it out

    5 days ago

    Further Notes ...

    • This isn't a live watch thing
      • Watch the films in your own time and how you want, including a live watch thing of your own if you like of course
    • This will be flexible
      • There's plenty of scope to adjust how this works along the way
      • Happy to take suggestions here, as I said, but I think running it at least once before getting too much into the weeds is a good idea
      • One of the biggest ways in which this could adapt, IMO, is being specific with the genre and/or era for any given month, and/or maybe even expanding it out to multiple movie clubs for different interests
    • The first two aims listed above are the main thing IMO
      • Which means the voting is just to lead to a suggestion for us to gather around one film at a time
      • You can watch and post about any of the suggestions if you like (obviously, really) and that'd absolutely be a good thing ... watching cool/good/interesting films is the whole point IMO
    5 days ago

    This is cool! I actually tried attending one of the past live watch parties but was in the middle of doing something as well so couldn’t really actively participate. A scheduled discussion thread at a set time sounds great.

      4 days ago

      Yea a scheduled discussion thread could work well. Don't know what times works for people ... but if it's pinned and always posted at the same time or the same date of the month, I'd imagine it would work well.