wow just wow while i can't say i didn't see this one coming but it always amazes me where greed could lead someone

    1 year ago

    FreeTube/Piped on PC

    ReVanced on droid

    uYou+ on 🍎 phone

    SmartTubeNext on 📺

    Youtube can do the fuck they want on their website

      1 year ago

      let me bring you up to speed a couple days ago YouTube legal team threatened invidious devs saying they are abusing their API ToS ( trems of service ) which the devs said that the claim does not hold any truth to it since invidious is just youtube proxy\scraper and does not depend on API

      • Programmer
        1 year ago

        This just tells me that invidious is in their crosshairs but it is legally safe until YouTube tries taking them to court to create precedent over scraping webpages

    1 year ago

    Really not worth watching a 10 minute video that has four minutes of YouTube ads and a minute of a sponsor pitch by the creator.

    1 year ago

    No way I'll use YouTube with ads. The amount of your lifetime they waste is what I'd consider disrespectful to their users. Even if the ads were bearable, I wouldn't turn off my ad blocker on any Google site for tracking alone.

    I also don't see myself subscribing to YouTube Premium, firstly because it's too expensive (stop including your music streaming service and make it cheaper maybe?), but also because YouTube is just a platform with a lot of not curated content that YouTube had no part in creating.

    Let's see how the cat and mouse games between YouTube and ad blockers and alternative frontends go. If it's too much of a hassle, I'll just stop using YouTube. I don't miss Twitter, I don't miss Reddit, and I won't miss YouTube.

    1 year ago

    To everyone who is saying they use adblock and haven't seen this yet: YouTube probably rolled this out to a smaller percentage of users first. It allows them to understand how this change impacts user behaviour, e.g. how many users comply and disable their adblocker, how many more users close YouTube than usual etc. Most tech companies do this type of analysis before releasing a high impact change to all users.

      1 year ago

      I do close youtbe much quicker than I used to. I can watch one video and rhan I'm done. The next video starts with a full minte of ads and I'm out. I know there's stuff like ReVanced, but I keep wondering wether it's all worth it.

    1 year ago

    Probably get shit for this, but…

    I just pay for Premium.

    YT has literally become my cable. I listen to music, watch movies, documentaries, stand up comedy, news, sports… and cat videos, obviously.

    To me it’s just worth it to pay a bit of money each month and have the whole thing just available to me.

    I feel like if you were to put a money value on all the complaining, stomping of feet and trying to side-step the ads I’ve seen over the last several years, you’d probably find it’s actually less to just pay and enjoy it.

    Just my opinion, of course…

      1 year ago

      Google sucks and YouTube is evil.
      If they were not such an explicitly and overtly shitty company, I'd pay for premium no qualms.
      As it is, I wouldn't give them a dollar if the CEO would personally suck me off.

      1 year ago

      It's the principle of the matter to me. Google became the multibillion dollar corporation it is by selling my data, your data, everyones data. To then come around and demand I pay to continue using their service the way I have for over a decade? But also still continue selling our data? Nah, fuck that. When they cut me in a percentage on the data selling business, maybe then I'd consider premium.

      1 year ago

      I also have been paying for Premium the last couple years and I completely agree. I get more value out of my premium subscription than I do Netflix or Max. Plus premium supports the creators more than ads do.

      1 year ago

      you do you if you use it that much and you think it's worth your money then good for you ( i honestly mean it ) we don't like youtube ads, YES that is true but it is not the only reason :

      • some of us hate youtube ( and google by extent ) for tracking
      • some of us hate youtube because it's algorithms tricking us into forcing certain agendas and ideals upon us
      • some of us hate youtube because the hypocrisy around how they treat content creator differently yet claiming they are all under the same "rules"

      the list goes on but what i want to say is that we don't hate people who pay for youtube we hate those who defend the platform like it's a white knight and nothing shady happening in it

    1 year ago

    I haven't had this happen using ublock origin, but if they do figure out how to block ublock origin, adnausiem (ublock origin fork) might work. It's a fork of ublock origin that tricks the ad providers into thinking you clicked on every ad, which not only bypasses a lot of adblock detectors, it Actively costs them money by polluting their ad data with garbage.