Stack Overflow has seen a substantial decline in traffic over the last year that appears to be accelerating.

    1 year ago

    I think this has as much to do with Google being shit at finding stuff lately as it does llms like chatGPT

    1 year ago

    IDK what shitoverflow gets out of being so fucking toxic. I asked one dumb question and I'm basically banned from posting on the website.

    It feels like they're trying to be a sort of "wikipedia" of every programming problem and solution. The problem is that eventually everything will be posted, and everyone will be banned from the website.

      1 year ago

      The problem is that eventually everything will be posted, and everyone will be banned from the website.

      I don't think they see that as a problem, that's the goal

    1 year ago

    This doesn't tell us much without also including the quality of the posts. Are we sure this isn't just idiots who ask stupid question that can be found on Google over and over not doing that now that they have chatgpt

      1 year ago

      People prefer having something generating shitty code and not checking it, instead of asking or searching on internet for a substantially better solution

        1 year ago

        Because forum posts are always full of accurate and helpful information?

        In my experience it still makes good suggestions for most things, and is better than trying to phrase things in a way that Google likes, then trawling through irrelevant forum posts.

        It’s only there to make suggestions, so if someone is taking its output without understanding and treating it like gospel then they’re an idiot who’s inevitably going to end up in a world of trouble.

        If you take the suggestion, verify it with documentation, then make sure you actually understand it, chatGPT is a great tool.

    1 year ago

    SO is a shithole, just like Reddit. All the work is done by volunteers. When it was time to cash out with the platform, they also did several things to fuck with their community. I've contributed quite a bit to the trilogy sites, and served as a moderator. I regret every second of it. But at least a few people got rich in the process.

    1 year ago

    I really like using as an alternative frontend to Stack Overflow. It has way less distractions and allows me to only look at the question and the answers and nothing else.

        1 year ago

        No problem. You can use extensions like LibRedirect in order to make it automatically change SO to this one.