More and more Western mercs are running for their lives. Snip:

"Prozorov elaborated that foreign mercenaries complain about the incompetence of the Ukrainian command, their cowardice and betrayal, as fighters were thrown into useless attacks and “meat grinds” under Russian artillery."

The former Ukrainian officer also pointed out that at least several hundred Neo-Nazis from all over the world came to fight for Kiev.

  • Tachanka [comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    I've seen telegrams of the Ukrainian Armed Forces doing impromptu executions of mercenaries for desertion, including some African mercenaries who they called "[slur] bastards" in Ukrainian and told them they "should've stayed in Africa" before shooting them. People still act like this isn't the beginning of WW3. I've also seen Ukrainian soldiers frag their officers, and officers frag injured soldiers for refusing to advance or follow orders. It's bad.

      • Tachanka [comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        soldiers with phones will just record anything they do these days, the social media-fication of war is something else

    • GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      So not to be like one of those overly sensitive types, but how do recover after seeing something like that? I wouldn't be able to focus if I saw even a second of those videos.

      Are they really up close? Or are they filmed far away?

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        2 months ago

        Be really careful exposing yourself to stuff like that. You can actually give yourself like a kind of second-hand ptsd. You might just have a terrible day or week after you see it or it might pop into your head randomly years after. Recovery depends on what you see, how much you see, time, all sorts of stuff. Some people handle it "better" (to use a slightly inappropriate word to describe it.) But, you might temporarily become numb to it and then it hits like a brick when the memory is quite literally triggered back to the fore of your mind.

      • Tachanka [comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        I'm just desensitized I guess. I grew up when the internet was much less filtered and my parents were neglectful in supervising me while I was on it. Some people are able to be surgeons for a living, so... in a way the "economy" "needs" some people to be desensitized to the awful things that happen.