The gist is that Portland drivers couldn't stop hitting crucial safety infrastructure (proving its necessity) so PBOT gave up on it.

As one of the commenters pointed out: Since a pedestrian/bike fatality costs PBOT nothing and replacing a concrete planter a car has demolished costs them more than nothing, to balance the budget they're going to go with more pedestrian deaths.

    2 months ago

    TLDR; They didn't actually expect them to work. Every time they get hit, they move and they require a crane or forklift to put back into position.

    Perhaps they should double the weight of them so they're less likely to move when struck.

    2 months ago

    If drivers couldn't stop hitting the planters, then the planters aren't the problem. But hey, at least Portland is accomodating to maniac drivers.

      2 months ago

      Not every intersection should or needs to be replaced by a roundabout, especially on local lane intersections where speeds are already supposed to be low. They take up more space, are more expensive to maintain (than a stop sign-controlled or uncontrolled intersection), and are also less convenient for bikers as well as cars.

    2 months ago

    Stopping with 30 kph puts a pressure of over a metric ton via the seat belt on your body for a short time.