I'm not going to take anything the Heritage Foundation says seriously
I'm out of the loop. What did HF do to make you not take them seriously?
It's a right-wing think tank who, among many other things, are the architects of project 2025.
Japan should just try communism. I hear it works great and then you can cozy up with your neighbors of Russia and China.
A Japanese communist movement literally tried, they were put down by fascists.
Also Russia isn't communist lol
I just mean it'll give them access to this block. I don't think liberals in Japan will jump ship with the west
$400Bn is nothing in the USA, honestly. Japan could fire sale it all, which it won't, and in the worst case American actors will buy it all up and the market blip will be over in a single day. Someone will make good money on short sales, though.
Hmmmm…..interesting……yes….something something……absolutely fascinating……so, rich people money……blah blah blah is …..at risk, it says and… something something……no solution…..unless ….. they take money from poor people”
Good. Donald Biden (or Joe Trump) have turned the USD and US debt into a dumpster fire. The sooner other countries dump it the better their finances will be.