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    2 months ago

    My favorite part is the US is mad Maduro wont release election counts, but the US also claims the other guy won, and the pundits are like "yeah that makes sense"

        2 months ago


        It’s incredibly obvious and transparent how much of a US backed propaganda push this is.

        You see, the thing about lies is that they have no choice but to shrink away when faced with the light of truth.

        And boy, are the West fucking lying.

        For anyone thinking that can’t possibly be true, consider why the Wests propaganda apparatuses are all trying to convince you of these lies with zero evidence. Even worse, completely false evidence.

        Think about why both major political parties are in lockstep on this, 0 dissent.

        Isn’t it weird how everything the US accuses China of, they are literally doing to its own citizens today?

        Remember the little girl the CIA put on the stand super duper pinky promising there were WMDs in Iraq?