Thanks for joining in! The canvas is now finished!

I’m going to be leaving the canvas up and read-only for a couple days, but not too long.

This was incredibly fun to host, thank you all for participating!

Future Events

I’d love to make this a yearly event. Expanding from just Lemmy to the entirety of the fediverse aswell!

I’ll reuse this Lemmy community & the Matrix space for that event

If you have suggestions for future events, post them in a comment on this post, each suggestion as it’s own comment so people can vote on them



    11 months ago

    I know it's largely due to a smaller user base, and therefore smaller spread to overly popular personalities and groups, but this is so much nicer without the exceedingly large national flag patterns and huge streamer vanity projects.

    11 months ago

    This looks so polite, like everyone is nice to others. Just like lemmy.

    11 months ago

    Honestly, I find it wholesome that everyone got their little space to draw without much fighting. Perhaps making the canvas increase in size by request /user numbers to accommodate newcomers instead of forcing them to draw over someone else artwork is what would make this event unique compared to r/place.

    11 months ago

    Honestly, I didn't expect my name to stay ("Rin", bottom left ish inside the green box). I made it expecting it to be quickly overwritten, but people just went around it.

    Someone even gave me a shadow. :)