Gotta be honest, watching the titles of the posts getting deleted made me a bit nostalgic, because it was an almost 5yo account.

However, now that's old news, and my account is totally gone.

I won't miss it really, I like Lemmy a lot more.

    11 months ago

    I left mine because there's lots of good info out there that will help people some day, but I'm done posting anymore on there. All my new comments go here.

    11 months ago

    Deleted my 10 year account with hundreds of posts and thousands of comments. I have to admit, leaving reddit has created a sort of vacuum in my life, and I have been spending more time scrolling on facebook, news sites and other shitty services. I'm happy to finally have landed on lemmy, but it has been a bit bumpy with the instability on

      11 months ago

      Lemmy is getting there but it's still not a great replacement, especially when it comes to niche topics. For example, the Venture Bros movie came out recently and I wanted to discuss it with other fans, but there's no place on lemmy for that; or if there is, I have been unable to find it. Meanwhile the Venture Bros subreddit has 3 different megathreads. I'm keeping my reddit account around for things like that until lemmy grows a bit more.

          11 months ago

          It is technically a movie, sure. But more accurately, it's the conclusion to a show that's been on the air for almost 20 years. It's not a movie made to stand on it's own. Posting it to a movie sub makes as much sense as posting about ancient Roman senators in a politics sub. It's technically politics, but you're not going to get very meaningful discussion because it's not what people go there for. The only people who would watch this movie are fans of the show, and even if a non-fan watched it, why would I give a shit about their opinion of it? They aren't going to get it.

          Are you starting to see the issue?

    11 months ago

    I got banned site wide so I can't delete my subreddits or anything I posted. That should be illegal.

    11 months ago

    It is crazy how quickly I saw that reddit is an actual defilement to the social process.

    I kept getting booted out of using RES and old.r and how it wants to control the comments and everything ... I don't know. I'm happy that these federated systems are here. And I have looked at my next months budget to split donation to the cause.

    Please have pledge drives right after upgrades or right after we have a big outage. Seems like that would be a great time to push for us to compensate the drivers of this public space.

    11 months ago

    You can never fully delete your reddit account.

    Find some old threads that you commented on years ago; chances are that a good portion of them are still there. Your reddit history doesn't show everything, and AFAIK there are no tools available that can effectively eliminate every single post you've ever made, unless of course you simply didn't make many comments and posts to begin with.

      11 months ago

      Request a GDPR export and you will get your entire comment history. There are tools that can read that history and delete all the comments. I did encounter errors deleting a small number of comments which may have been due to the subs being privated. I deleted the problem ones from the json and the rest got deleted. I manually checked a sample of the 12 years of comments to confirm the accessible ones were being deleted.