• DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    1 month ago

    I am currently reading Hunter S Thompson's book on the Hell's Angels and it coincidentally has a lot in common with Manufacturing Consent. It's about how the US media made the Hell's Angels from an obscure, dying motorcycle gang into the monstrosity it became known of by using sentationalist news stories. It's a pretty interesting book.

    Also planning to quit my job in a few months, sell my possession and travel for a year after I finished converting my van into a living space. It may be the stupidest thing I have done but I want to try it at least.

    Have a nice week everyone.

  • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    26 days ago

    So days ago I posted about the Palestinian man that was found dead in my city, with his hands and feet tied together. Police may now rule it as.... a suicide. I kid you not.

    • FuckBigTech347@lemmygrad.ml
      1 month ago

      Family told me apparently german media talked a lot of shit about the former east german commie regime the other day. Gotta "remind" the peasants every once in a while I guess.


  • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
    30 days ago

    It’s official! Macron has rejected the new left government:


    • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
      29 days ago

      Similar thing happened in Australia. That was a while ago. Now you know what the checks and balances of liberal constitutions really mean.

      • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
        29 days ago

        Is this about the Australian Prime Minister who got ousted because he wanted to get rid of the CIA stationed in his country? I think Boy Boy made a video that referenced that.

        • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
          29 days ago

          That's the one. And that's a good video. Scary. I wonder if they've had any follow ups since.

  • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    29 days ago

    Couldn't use my bike to work today. Currently waiting for over an hour for the bus home that may or may not show up. The previously planned bus didn't without notification. I live in one of the richest countries in the world and my bus route goes through one of the most populated urban areas of the country. Can't even get a bus to drive. This isn't an isolated case either.

    • -6-6-6-@lemmygrad.ml
      28 days ago

      Been there. Florida was like that. Pay fifty dollars a month for a privately-owned non air-conditioned bus in 98 degree weather that I can only ride 3 times a day that has the most basic routes they can't find minimum wage bus-drivers for so that it could be an hour late everytime I needed to use it or skip over me due to capacity.

      I do not understand how Florida is still standing.

  • KrupskayaPraxis@lemmygrad.ml
    27 days ago

    I realised my unhappiness when working (as a postal worker) is because I'm not out yet to them and feel like I have to hide myself. Seems obvious but since my job doesn't require much communication I thought it didn't have an effect at first

  • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
    25 days ago

    The most annoying thing about western propaganda is how they squat on your name for news, like if I see a sight or something called "the North Africa center" I know damn right it's western propaganda, like motherfucker imagine if China did that and owned 500 sites all called "American news" "America today" and shit like that all of it was about the evil of America and how great China is, would be truthful and based yes but America would drop a nuke for that

  • Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    29 days ago

    There's a weird push against Jill Stein and the green party going on right now. Are the dems really that scared of her taking votes away from the cop?

    • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
      28 days ago

      You ask that like they're not in constant tremoring fear of any spoiler that could get in the way of the Anointed One. They've been shredding Claudia off just as many state ballots in the past few weeks :/

      • l0tusc0bra@lemmygrad.ml
        28 days ago

        Yeah, a lot of people think they're dumb but I think they're totally, fully aware of how full of shit they are. Why else would they spend so much time obsessing over losing their half of the duopoly? The DNC knows they have the easiest, cushiest job in the world and spoilers threaten that job security. Being a politician in a lib democracy is like being chased by a bear; you don't have to be the fastest, you just have to not be the slowest.

  • Absolute@lemmygrad.ml
    26 days ago

    Last night I had a dream that you got a free bible if you spent $40 on Amazon and i do not think we are too far off from this promotion existing in reality

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
    1 month ago

    After I woke up I noticed that I only had half an hour left to meet my deadline and share something on /c/capitalismindecay. I had a couple of suggestions noted for the Conference of Wheat Exporting and Importing Countries and the Haʻavara Agreement, but the former looked insufficiently interesting and I had too little time left to research Haʻavara more, so I quickly scanned my schedule for a video, listened to three quarters of it, and chose that instead for my topic of the day. You can tell that it was a rush job because the message is shorter than usual.

    I see that the rushing did not prevent its popularity, though.

  • Che's Motorcycle@lemmygrad.ml
    26 days ago

    For your viewing pleasure, Ansar Allah blowing up a tanker that tried to evade their Red Sea embargo: https://x.com/MayadeenEnglish/status/1829192803202781281

  • l0tusc0bra@lemmygrad.ml
    26 days ago

    I have GOT to stop engaging with Kamala stans online. It just leaves me irritable and distracted and demoralized for the rest of the day.

    I got into it today with one and even after sending them that long ass github post + others detailing all the cop shit she's done, they still stick to their doomsday fantasy of Trump opening Le Fascist Death Camps when he wins, just like what was supposed to happen during his first term and didn't. Their definition of fascism is just pop history shit. It doesn't matter if you remind them that the minorities they love to hug and kiss and pretend to give a shit about have been saying America is fascist for a LONG time. They've just been lucky enough to have been exempt from it so it wasn't "real" fascism. They had the NERVE to state that the dems will be more hospitable to "spreading class consciousness". Sounds like the blind leading the blind to me. How convenient that "Trump would do worse" is essentially impossible to disprove (we can't predict the future and you know if we could they'd deny that too) and applies basically as long as he still draws breath.

    They will look you dead in the eye and tell you "you need to vote for the cop to prevent a police state." You couldn't write a more hamfisted example of American exceptionalism. Nobody can radicalize you further than a radlib. They make me sick.