• notfromhere@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    I read through the comments and figured I should try to help balance the discussion. For risk of getting pounced on, I use brave browser and brave search for all my personal needs. It is pre configured with things I care about out of the box, ipfs on mobile, great adblock by default, I experimented with their ad/crypto thing. I’m very happy we have companies trying to do new things, the naysayers will shit on innovation always, so “do your own research” lmao. Other features are a built in crypto wallet.

    Other things I care about are their terms of service. Whether you believe it or not, at least we have a company out there trying to champion privacy by default. DuckDuckGo is similar on that regard. They also have their own search engine and their AI powered answers is very good, much better than Google’s at this point. I find myself not having to go to Google as often anymore. It’s really good these days!

    They also push the envelope and put their money where their mouth is so to speak privacy wise by continually coming out with new features for privacy and security. I honestly do not understand how a privacy community will shit all over Brave. And no I don’t care about their founder nor about their copyright AI infringing API. Have none of you sailed the high seas? If it personally affects you then sue them.