Three Lego adventures for Windows, free for Amazon Prime subscribers until 9th October

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      23 days ago

      Don't make me tap the sign!

      You can create a free trial of prime, grab the games, then cancel it if you don't want to give any money to Amazon

      You can use a Lemmy client which lets you set content filters to block all posts containing [Prime if you just never want to see these giveaways

          22 days ago

          Sure, but ultimately it's something a lot of people have access to anyway, and with a small amount of hoop-jumping you can get quite a lot of games for free.

              22 days ago

              I've not tried, but I guess they might try and tempt you back with the offer of more free subscription months. I was thinking more just create a new account and grab the 30-odd games that are currently available, then come back in a year when you've played them all and repeat with a new email.

    22 days ago

    I'm in the midst of 100%-ing this one. Very enjoyable game, although I don't think it's quite as good as Lego Star Wars. Looking like a 20-hour completion when all's said and done.

    21 days ago

    This one keeps telling me to install some Amazon launcher or something when I claim it through heroic launcher.

      21 days ago

      I've not tried Amazon games on Heroic, but in the past I've had no trouble claiming on the web page and installing through Lutris

        21 days ago

        This one is kind of different. When I claimed it from the Amazon store on heroic, Amazon then instructs me to install the Amazon games launcher in order to play it. I didn't even know since such thing even existed. Fine, downloaded the .exe file and installed it through heroic then installed the game through Amazon games launcher through heroic 🤦🏽‍♂️, the mental gymnastics us Linux users have to go through to just play a game. Then when the games installed, I created another game through heroin, but this time I pointed it to the game's prefix instead of the Amazon's games launcher.

          21 days ago

          Weird. I know that the web page always instructs me to use Amazon's launcher every time I claim a game, but I've never actually needed to. Maybe they've changed something?

            21 days ago

            I have ni no fucking idea, but I got it working now. I even figured out a way to change the "quit to windows" option in the game to "quit to Linux", just as a fuck you to them. Lol
