Hi everyone! For... I guess over a year now? I've been observing and trying out lots of software recommended by the privacy community and internet as a whole. With that time, I've been able to slowly put together a list of all the software I personally believe to be the best for their own various reasons. I finally have enough to be able to share it with all of you!

I'm also looking for feedback. I haven't tried all the software on that list, and I'm sure there's software I've never heard of that needs added. I'm looking for your feedback on what you think should be added, removed, or changed. That includes the list itself, if you think there are any design improvements.

Do note: Any software marked with a ⭐️ I am not looking for feedback on. This is software that I firmly believe is the best of the best in its category, and likely will not be changed. However, if there is a major issue with the software that you can provide direct proof of, then there is a chance it will be changed in the next release. There are no grantees.

The sections marked with ℹ️ are lacking, and can use your help! Some software there may not be the best one, or may have many software or sections missing. I am absolutely looking for help and feedback here, and would love your help!

My goal with this project is to help people find the best software from many standpoints, and to prove that there really are good open source alternatives for almost anything! I hope this helps someone, and I look forward to your feedback!

Thank you all for reading and taking the time to look through my list!

    • Charger8232@lemmy.ml
      4 days ago

      Hi! I agree that it is getting cluttered with emojis. I plan to revamp this today to clear it up a bit. Thanks for your feedback!

      Edit: Decluttered in version 5.2024.09.15.1

  • blind3rdeye@lemm.ee
    3 days ago

    My latest favourite is missing: Note Taking Apps:

    Joplin is good for organising text-based notes, so I'm not surprised to see that on your list. But xournal is a for mixed drawing / hand-writing / text, etc. So it's a different use-case to Joplin. (It would be perfect if Joplin supported xournal notes; so that you could write with xournal and then organise with Joplin. ... But that hasn't yet come to pass.)

  • DigitalNirvana@lemm.ee
    4 days ago

    Thanks! I’ll give it a gander. I was off hiking today, and used some crappy app to track my progress. I know there’s an open source ware that can do it, without invading my privacy; it’s time to start using that ‘ware.

    • Charger8232@lemmy.ml
      4 days ago

      Trail Sense mentioned in my list has options for tracking hiking progress. Unfortunately, open source health apps are few and far between.

      • orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts
        4 days ago
        • Joplin has a lot of customization
        • Can store your notes wherever you want (Dropbox, WebDAV, OneDrive, Nextcloud, Joplin’s own cloud service, etc)
        • Backups can optionally be encrypted (you set a password used to decrypt them and store that somewhere)
        • You can make multiple notebooks in the hierarchy structure you want
        • Open source
        • Markdown (if you’re into that)
        • Plugin support
        • Tags
  • Mwa@lemm.ee
    3 days ago

    man i wish there was a more powerful alternative to gimp hope gimp 3.0 solves it and currently am using the affinity photo 6 month free trial