Permanently Deleted

      11 months ago

      maybe a tightly controlled corporate response was exactly what they needed. Show people they can get something right over the last few days. instead they posted the email with the value of the CPU cooler that the vendor asked LTT to keep private. maybe next video they won't make a mistake?

        11 months ago

        The only one giving decent controlled responses here was, as I sort of expected, the new CEO. Everyone else I got the fake apology vibe, especially from Yvonne.

        Terran has his work cut out for him, and I don't really blame him for taking 6 weeks to be a fly on the wall (it's generally good to learn the current process before coming in and making massive changes) but this week has not been good for LMG and we will see if he manages to make something good from this experience.

        Especially things like the Madison situation. I could see him being unaware of it until now, but now it's time to address that as well.

          11 months ago

          Her starting out by apologizing for linus was a bad look. Linus still spent half his time trying to justify his actions. I really didn't need to hear from the head of each department when the mistakes are clearly starting at the top. Plus they monitized it, have merch links in the bio, and plugged the store. I get the attempt at humor but plugging a product (ltt store) while you are apologizing for your product (content) is just not tasteful. I just don't know how much they've taken to heart if they have this whole response ready after a day.

        11 months ago

        Yeah I noticed that. Idk if LTT were asked not to publish it but GN did censor it. I don't remember if they said they'd been asked to censor it or if they just took the initiative. It's not a huge thing but it's a bit sloppy to publish the number. As others have said, you'd think they'd want to be as clean as a whistle to prove they can do something properly, given the accusations of sloppiness

        11 months ago

        Looks like they censored it in-place, at least it was when I watched it a couple hours ago.

      • uralsolo
        8 months ago

        deleted by creator

    11 months ago

    LTT has always felt too smug for my tastes. Particularly Linus himself. It’s to the point that none of the revelations coming out about LMG and their internal drama is particularly surprising. It’s exactly the kind of behavior I’d expect from a “we can do no wrong” kind of group.

    11 months ago

    None of this is surprising to me. How long has it been since Linus talked about burnout and quitting? They go way too fast paced. They're all burning out. I look at MKBHD and they just seem so much chiller than everything at LTT.

      11 months ago

      Driving your employees to self harm and sexual assaults are typical symptoms of burnout.

    11 months ago

    This is a terrible apology video, what the fuck Linus...I hope they make another video regarding the sexual assault allegations. This is just in bad taste...I mean we're talking almost blizzard levels of sexual harassment and assault stopping short of driving someone to suicide. Fuck these guys and their channel I hope they go under and get buried.

      11 months ago

      Bad news about that. The kid who bought the play button that Linus wanted took his own life, and his mother also after that due to fanbase harassment. Linus did little to stop the harassment.

          11 months ago

          I’m not saying he’s at fault, but he should be more careful about what he puts in his videos knowing that people like this exist in his fan base. Telling them not to go after people on WAN isn’t enough.

    11 months ago

    If only this was the original response instead of Linus expecting for everything to quiet down like always. Time will tell if anything changes, but the real reputational damage was done at this point.

      11 months ago

      Here's the story so far:

      It was compounded by Madison speaking out about why she quit:

  • blakeus12 [he/him]
    11 months ago

    /uj With the description full of merch and sponsor plugs. fucking pathetic.

    /rj guys the toxic gossip train made it to dtation manipulation!!!!!!!!!!