• rich@feddit.uk
    11 months ago

    Horrible monsters. One literally ran at me from across the field a few months back, and if it wasn't for me being nimble and able to jump a wall, I would have been attacked. The thing was absolutely mental and the owner had no control.

    If I was with my daughter at the time I dread to think what could have happened. Disgusting freaks of nature, those dogs are. Actually, not even nature. Man made freaks.

    Edit: before anyone says otherwise, I'm a dog owner (collies my whole life, although I only have a westie right now). I know dogs, I have trained dogs. These XL things are dangerous and terrifying when they are poised to attack you. And when they do, you will not be able to fight back.

  • giant_smeeg@feddit.uk
    11 months ago

    Just look at the people on social media defending the dogs/attacks and that will tell you all you need to know.

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝@feddit.uk
    11 months ago

    The numbers look bad:

    In 2021, there were four fatal dog attacks, two of which involved a bully XL. In 2022, there were 10 fatal attacks and six of them involved a bully XL. These huge animals, which can weigh more than 60kg (almost nine and half stone) were also involved in at least two of the five deaths recorded this year.


    Given that there are an estimated 13m pet dogs in Britain, and only a few thousand American bully XLs, there have been calls to ban what looks like an uncontrollable breed.

    I'm sure the owners quoted are able to give them all the training and exercise they need but clearly some aren't or can't or just get caught off-guard and, given the size of them, once they go at you, you're in trouble.

  • echo @ feddit.uk@feddit.uk
    11 months ago

    I love dogs of all breeds and sizes and I'm sure most of the time these are fine to be around. But this breed literally only exists to circumvent the exists banned breeds laws so I don't understand why the list can't be updated to include them.

  • Twiglet@feddit.uk
    11 months ago

    Dog breeding needs to be better regulated across the board. There are too many breeds that shouldn't exist simply because they are in pain from birth. Deformed, disabled, with genetic faults that leave them to horrendous and painful deaths way beyond their years, yet people are fine with intentionally breeding them because 'lol, so cute!'.

    Before these guys, there was Staffies being heralded as demon dogs. Before that, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Alsatians... So I'm not jumping on the hate train, simply because I don't know enough.

    Just like torture breeding shouldn't exist neither should irresponsible (backyard) breeding, - when you just go for looks over temperament and health this is the kinda shit you end up with.