Text of the Le Epic X tweet:

Let me see if it makes any more sense to people this way...

Masculinity creates stuff. Chopping wood, building homes, drilling for oil, farming food... that's all masculine behavior.

Femininity consumes stuff and transforms it. Homemaking, childbirth, decoration, nurturing... that's all feminine behavior.

The masculine CREATES. the feminine CONSUMES.

In order for the feminine to thrive, it needs the masculine to go GET and MAKE all the STUFF.

In order for the masculine to thrive, it needs to have the power to decide who GETS the stuff. In other words, it needs power over the feminine.

If I, as a man, go work hard and chop wood and build a home, I expect to live in it. I can invite others to live in it if I so choose, or kick them out. I can sell it. I can burn it down if I want. It's my home. I built it.

If I choose a woman to live in that home with me, it will be because she gives me something in return (brings something to the table). Typically, I expect her to maintain the home while I work, have my children, and raise them.

Because I created the STUFF, I have the power to decide who GETS the stuff.

We live in a time when the feminine has power over the masculine, which is why everything is disgusting and evil now.

Imagine building a home from scratch, and then the government tells you you're not allowed to live in it because someone else needs it more than you.

Wait a minute. Who SAYS they need it more than me? I didn't agree their needs were more important than mine.

"Oh, we all got together and voted! There are more of us than you, so what we value is important, and what you value isn't. Vacate the house you built or we'll have you murdered."

If that happened to you, would you build another house? Of course not. You'd join the masses and vote yourself a free one. Then some OTHER sucker would build a house, and you'd kick HIM out of it. Then HE would stop building houses.

If this goes on forever, eventually, consumption outpaces production. Then there are not enough houses. Then not enough food. Then people start killing each other for scraps and eating their own kids.

That's why I hate leftism so much. It's just feminine dominance codified into law. The more we allow this to happen, the more we will keep taking stuff away from the people who made it, and the more they will quit making it.

Redistribution of value (any time your government forces you to give to someone that you wouldn't give to yourself) puts the feminine in charge of the masculine, which always results in decay and tragedy.


I'm very sure this is the right direction to go now because of how people are responding to it. All of the criticisms so far can be summarized as "that went over my head and I'm not intelligent enough to realize it."

In a proper society, people create value where they're needed most. In that same society, women would overwhelmingly be creating value by dealing with the things that men either procure or create, like homes or food. Men farm, women cook. Men build, women clean.

Distribution can be a masculine thing when it's in, like, a chain of CostCos or something. You're talking about choosing where value goes in an in-group, which is nurture. Man brings home the food, woman decides who needs to eat what.

Of course, we don't live in a proper society. Lots of valuable people don't have any place to fit in. My closest friend is a small woman who primarily does manual labor, and it's not a great fit for her, but she has few other options because, well, we're in decay and people's connections are all scarce and weak

I'm sure that friend absorbs all that divorce energy radiation like a solid block of lead.

    • Thallo [love/loves]
      3 days ago

      They're too busy consuming through acts like... Childbirth

  • Adkml [he/him]
    3 days ago

    I didnt get very far because describing child birth as "consuming stuff" and not "creating stuff" was already enough for me.

    If you're going to strip out all context and nuance from an argument try not to explicitly contradict your simplistic view in the first three sentences.

    • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
      3 days ago

      And chopping wood to build a house? You didn't create that wood bro, you just transformed it

    • vovchik_ilich [he/him]
      3 days ago

      Right? Childbirth is consuming instead of creating? Bro's brain is molten

      • Adkml [he/him]
        3 days ago

        Also even just the assertion that males fundamentally produce not consume.

        Not like there's dozens of examples of chuds thinking eating bacon and steak is a personality and getting really really upset about what their favorite brand of piss water tweets.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          3 days ago

          and getting really really upset about what their favorite brand of piss water tweets


      • heggs_bayer [none/use name]
        3 days ago

        morshupls Well you see, women need to eat much food to gestate the baby, and who planted/harvested/hunted/slaughtered that food? MEN! smuglord

        The left is so owned. last-sight

        • vovchik_ilich [he/him]
          2 days ago

          Fuck, I guess they got us, fellas. Time to close hexbear once and for all...

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        3 days ago

        Chopping down trees and drilling for oil is creating morshupls

    • EllenKelly [comrade/them]
      2 days ago

      I'm very sure this is the right direction to go now because of how people are responding to it. All of the criticisms so far can be summarized as "that went over my head and I'm not intelligent enough to realize it."

  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    3 days ago

    In order for the masculine to thrive, it needs to have the power to decide who GETS the stuff. In other words, it needs power over the feminine.

    yeah there it is, all right-wing ideology can be boiled down to this: making up insane shit to justify why one group should have power over the other

    just complete lunacy, what are you even supposed to say

    • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 days ago

      They always naturalize their desired heirarchy. And their arguements always hinge on their agreivement that that hierarchy is disrupted, when unfortunately we are still firced to live under it

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 days ago

      just complete lunacy, what are you even supposed to say

      up-yours-woke-moralists has hundreds of hours of Youtube videos to answer that.

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    3 days ago

    Cranks like this are my favorite because there's nowhere to even start. It's pure gibberish from their sloppy smooth brain. Everything they say is deranged airing of their own past traumas and sexual proclivities.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 days ago

      He wants the acts of chopping down trees and drilling for oil to be "creative" and then insists childbirth is not creative. There's some sexual pathology there too.

      • Flyberius [comrade/them]
        2 days ago

        I mean, in this idealised lumberjack world of his where men are men and women are grateful, who created his clothes or cooked his dinner? Isn't he just a consumer in those cases?

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          2 days ago

          Everything he wants to do is good and masculine and creative. Everything he doesn't want to do is bad and feminine. Simple as, bucko. up-yours-woke-moralists

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      3 days ago

      "Not even wrong" is a phrase used by bazinga brains but it applies to them and other chuds in so many ways.

      For those unfamiliar, "Not even wrong" refers to an opinion that is so fundamentally flawed, there isn't anything to be learned from it. It's not even in the same realm of discussion that refuting it would prove something. Example:

      "5 + 5 = woke DEI females and butterflies."

      If they answered "5 + 5 = 11" we could point out their mistake and learn what not to do. But instead the chud has given is something so incoherent, so off base, we can't even begin to refute it.

  • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 days ago

    People really do just say "Let me get this straight" and then proceed to say the dumbest shit ever, huh?

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 days ago

      Very similar energy to "let's be honest" and "I hate to break it to you" reddit-logo sophistry to make opinions sound really ironclad and cold hard logical.

      • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
        3 days ago


        I just learned a new word. And that describes most reddit arguments in a nutshell from my experience. Also add "to be fair" and the ever popular "ackshually".

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          3 days ago

          I just learned a new word. And that describes most reddit arguments in a nutshell from my experience.

          In Hellenistic antiquity, people were sometimes stabbed to death for committing sophistry, especially in verbal offenses against the gods. The local laws rarely punished people that did the stabbing. Ancient Reddit in shambles.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          3 days ago

          Also add "to be fair" and the ever popular "ackshually"

          And "um," at the start of something especially glib and smarmy, and a not-questioning question mark at the end for extra smarminess. smuglord

  • edge [he/him]
    3 days ago

    Kinda tangential, but that's why a lot of "masculine" hobbies are kinda cringe. People say that video games are masculine, but in reality you're consuming a product/service that someone else made so in reality playing video games is femininity masquerading as masculine.

    Fellas is it gay to play video games?

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 days ago

      One nice thing about fascism is that it's always in a constant death drive to purge and purge and drive fascists to eat their own. sit-back-and-enjoy

    • Adkml [he/him]
      3 days ago

      Other than the batshit gender politics at least this person recognizes video games are just mindless consunption and not some kind of heroic journey or cultural battleground.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        3 days ago

        video games are just mindless consunption and not some kind of heroic journey or cultural battleground

        I wish that message was more widespread so the Soulslike toxic fans could at last shut the fuck up about strangers they will never meet maybe playing the treat wrong.

        • Adkml [he/him]
          3 days ago

          Yup anybody who treats playing a video game any differently than just watching a movie should get shoved in a locker.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            3 days ago

            That shit's so exhausting and has discouraged me from even trying some bideo bames because the fandom was that loud and that toxic. It's even worse when it's expected to be online interaction.

            • Adkml [he/him]
              3 days ago

              Yea it's a big part of why I just play 10 year old video games and remasters.

              Gamers killed gaming. Them telling me not to lecture people on how to spend their money everyrime I said wait until 48 hours after a game is released to see if it's actually what was advertised instead of pre-ordering everything with a marketing budget made me realize this ship wasn't correcting course 5 years ago and I've been vindicated every day since.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                3 days ago

                In a related way, freeze-gamergate, about 10 years ago, put on a pretense of being sick and tired of being manipulated and screwed with by the corpos but it started, and it always was, about being the worst toxic fanboy shits imaginable and actually attacking small developers for "walking simulators" and other games that weren't grimdark murderfucky enough (or alternatively, officially Nintendo-approved pablum).

            • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
              3 days ago

              When i finally got around to playing Dark Souls i was so pissed that it has the toxicity around that it does. Sure it's challenging, but in way thats well designed so its actually fun. I think way more people would play and enjoy if it didn't have that bullshit around it. Like you should feel good for overcoming a challenge in a game, but its still not anything to brag about lol. It was designed for you to beat and feel good, anyone can do that

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                3 days ago

                That's what pissed me off so much. Even the basic gameplay mechanics have a "try and try again until you learn and adapt and persevere" theme to them and I like that. But toxic freeze-gamer shit got smeared all over, from hazing-like "haha you're stupid because you went into the wrong door and missed the hidden item as a new player" assholery to "even the suggestion of improving accessibility or adjusting difficulty is grounds for a hate mob" cult mentality about the Only True Way To Play.

                • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
                  3 days ago

                  That's what pissed me off so much. Even the basic gameplay mechanics have a "try and try again until you learn and adapt and persevere" theme to them and I like that.

                  Exactly! And it's so well designed that it feels fun to try again and again. The early parts of the game are also designed to teach you how to play by doing - without tutorials - in a way thats intuitive and fun.

                  However freeze-gamer go through this and instead of appreciating the quality design that taught them how to overcome the challeges theyre presented with think - I am become gud, true gamer of games

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    3 days ago

                    Some of the worst of jock culture (hazing) and the worst of nerd culture (gatekeeping elitism) fused together to make contemporary freeze-gamer and it fucking sucks.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 days ago

      Once again chuds making leftism sound really fucking cool. sicko-wistful

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    3 days ago

    This is awesome because it's the opposite of stereotypical "women create men destroy" while being just as lacking in hinges.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 days ago

      He has "ironic" TimeCube-like scribblings to demonstrate that other chuds have it all wrong. He even said bideo bames were feminine and therefore evil and wrong.


  • edge [he/him]
    3 days ago

    This dude has probably never "created" anything in his life.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 days ago

      He watched Ron Swanson on TV and started fantasizing about building things.

  • heggs_bayer [none/use name]
    3 days ago

    The masculine CREATES. the feminine CONSUMES.

    In order for the feminine to thrive, it needs the masculine to go GET and MAKE all the STUFF.

    dubois-depressed Are women bourgeois?

    In order for the masculine to thrive, it needs to have the power to decide who GETS the stuff. In other words, it needs power over the feminine.

    Dictatorship of the broletariat.