I take it this person must be perfectly okay with people voting 3rd party then. Right?
I mean, voting because it makes you feel better to imagine that you're screaming at them in defiance is a better reason than convincing yourself it's actually virtuous or will stop fascism. I'll probably vote for some third party or write in for the same reason.
It's so joever. John Shitfuck of Whocaresborough, IA said he didn't like us very much
I bought 2 million disguises and I will be voting 2 million times for Bernie. That's how he's gonna win.
I will be heard and promptly ignored by voting for Harris, which is somehow completely different than when you are heard and promptly ignored by voting De La Cruz!
it is sort of petty to go through all the b.s. just to wipe your butt crack on the horserace and pick the 10,000-to-1 longshot so you and 219 other bozos can drive the people watching a squeaker absolutely insane.
and I am that petty guy.