We love ancap-good infighting don't we folks? Also apparently the LP of Lousiana isn't complete dogshit and are known as the "woke" chapter of the party lmao

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    1 day ago

    New Hampshire is just filled with the worst fucking people

    Really taking the Live Free or Die motto to heart

    Though, to be fair, all of New England is rancid

    It's just that New Hampshire is filled with a certain kind of White Guy

    Just pure, If my boss didn't have to pay taxes, he'd pay me more! levels of moral putrescence

    • d_cagno [he/him]
      1 day ago

      "Live Free or Die"

      Only state in New England that hasn't legalized recreational marijuana

      Deeply unserious state

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        1 day ago

        Gotta keep that particular cruelty in place!

        Raytheon, BAE Systems and Elbit want their drones to be sharp of wit and free of funk