Vídeo from ReviewTechUSA.

  • Clav64@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Imagine Linus a few weeks ago saying "I'm not paying $500 bucks in staffers to retest this shitty product", to now having to defend some serious abuse allegations.


    Time for Linus to [sic] "put on his big boy pants" and lawyer up.

  • HellAwaits@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    ReviewTechUSA is toxic as well. I'm not a hater, but this dude wouldn't be trustworthy in Linus's position either. I say this as a long time viewer of his, I have seen probably hundreds of his videos.

    • vis4valentine@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Seems like Linus recognized this and that's why he hired a new CEO, and so far he has proven to be very professional. Linus has been running LTT like "Me and the boys doing gaming stuff" and failed to achieve the professionalism requires by such a big company.

  • pascal@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I've checked the channel and the average views of his recent videos. Now I count about 4 videos about LTT with higher view count. This guy I've never heard of before today, is milking the situation on the expense of LMG and Madison.

    I don't understand how @7heo@lemmy.ml can tolerate this video, but not a screwdriver review.