• PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    This dude sounds like a pretty weak mayor. He is literally the mayor, he can unilaterally appoint a new sheriff and arrest all 30 of the "white town leaders" for interfering with the official duties of the mayor. He has 100% of all official power that a local government has and I'd say at least 60% of the unofficial power, and yet he can't stop <30 people from running amuck?
    He is either a collaborator, or so clueless that he should have never been mayor to begin with. Similar to Obama honestly.

      • PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        So the 89% black town can elect a black mayor, but replacing the sheriff was just a bridge to far? Sounds like they have voted for what they want.

        • SokathHisEyesOpen@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          Well you have to wait for an election for sheriff to happen. It also sounds like there's some general fuckery happening in that county. Maybe it's a life or death situation to try to unseat the current sheriff. There are a lot of possible reasons why the sheriff may not represent the people's choice.

          • PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            I'm sure there is general fuckery happening, much like the previous 150 years. But if you want to change anything in America, you can't play by the rules, and you can't appeal to decency. If you aren't willing to fight dirty, you aren't the right person for the job.