Briefly quoting Micheal Clodfelter’s Warfare and Armed Conflicts, pages 354–5:

After Mussolini had seized power, he determined to end the Libyan insurrection. […] Over 100,000 Senussi, nearly 50 percent of the tribe’s population, had died during the insurrection, most of them in Graziani’s concentration camps.


In the fall of 1935, Mussolini sent [an army] into Ethiopia to avenge the defeat of Adowa in 1896 and to expand the Fascist empire. […] Ethiopian military and civilian dead, many of them from the barbarous [Fascist] bomb and mustard gas attacks, were estimated as high as 275,000.

Although this history may seem elementary, I never see anticommunists even mention this, and I am willing to bet that you don’t either. That’s really all that I have to say.