Hedgewik is a stonetoss-affiliated fascist comic artist.

Some things we've learned from this stream:

  • The hosts are insufferable children (they're at least 30 and one of them has a kid, they're not actually 16 like you probably thought).
  • Based on his voice he's a young adult at most, between 17 and 22 I'd say. We can probably pinpoint his origins by his accent.
  • the Reddit community of AST lives rent free in his head and he stalks my profile for dirt on me. Just for you hedgewik-kun I'll post extra edgy antifa stuff :red heart:
  • in the beginning they talked about a Vaush video on stonetoss and how apparently he was praising him or giving him publicity? I don't know, I didn't really get that part and I don't care enough to find out. If true it's yet another reminder that we have to be wary what we say about fascists.

I don't want to go through the 3 hours episode (can you believe these guys invest this much time for like 200 dollars a month and they call us larpers lol), but I have the full file if anyone wants to.

Some time in late 2018, Stonetoss went on the killstream and gave us the gift of his voice. Unfortunately at the time I didn't think it was useful and I didn't save the stream. A few months later, it was entirely scrubbed from the Internet. Apparently, according to a pol thread, stonetoss started ranting about the holocaust and was cringe. If anyone has that episode or can track it down (no luck so far) that would be highly appreciated!