Folks, You've Got Mail and When Harry met Sally are both amazing films for this time of year.

However, You've got mail has amazing sicko energy. The thinly veiled David Brooks insert. The male tendency to collect typewriters/keyboards. The fights between capital. Lesbians getting divorced settlements from evil capitalists. A pretty cute golden retriever. Two sickos finding each other in the crazy world of th internet. The gaslighting that Hanks subjects Meg Ryan to. The fact that despite it all you root for them. It's peak romcom and truly a great work. Get a couple drinks in you and enjoy an amazing little story set in this time between Halloween and New Year's. It's very cozy, and in many ways gives unique insights into liberalism.

The most unrealistic element:


The David Brooks character getting mad that Meg Ryan's old lady friend fucked Franco

The least realistic element


They break up because Meg Ryan didn't i-voted

Got less to say about Harry/Sally because I'm not watching it at the moment but Nora Ephron is the GOAT.


I'll slightly revoke my slander of Greg Kinnear, because he does have a great line about good people to fall in love with being socialists or anarchists left-unity-4, but even if his character is the "biggest expert on the Rosenbergs" I still firmly believe that he's basically David Brooks.