Hit their own base (trying) to own the tankies. Kim Jong-Un must have telekinesis powers now in addition to necromancy.

  • SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    "ROK" is the thinnest of all paper tigers. The puppet state would fall overnight without the backing of their Amerikan overlords.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Well they do claim that Russia:

      1. Terror striked their allies in Donbass multiple times with missiles
      2. Bombed nuclear plant with the artillery apparently stationed in the same nuclear plant
      3. Sabotaged their own pipeline, move that is greatly beneficial to USA but detrimental to RF, which they subsequently declared to repair which will take great effort. Because Russia apparently can't make a difference between flipping a switch and multibillion sabotage of their own interests.

      So there is no denial outside of their abilities.

  • Kind_Stone@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    ...yeah, the moment the earliest reports of explosions in South Korea came in the thought "Did those morons actually shoot themselves? No, they can't be that stupid... They can't be... But there's no other explanation... Are they actually stupid?"

  • Inbrededcanadian@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Here's the thing, didn't NK fire their rocket over Japan tho? And to my understanding most SK people don't exactly have a favorable view of Japan, so why did they decide to retaliate (attempt)?

    • aworldtowin@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      DPRK's missile was a response to joint military drills near DPRK by the US, South Korea, and Japan. These countries basically every single year do war games near DPRK simulating an invasion. While tensions may exist broadly among the people, Japan and South Korea are very united militarily, primarily because both countries are total US puppet states and their important in containing DPRK and China.