Developing a couple drafts for a creative project that's been simmering in the back of my mind for years and it's very much a pretty standard genre fare in military sci-fi with characters that are in a specops fireteam doing wetwork operator shit fightin' evil aliens that want to wipe out humanity

posad astronaut-1

The more I flesh out the plot and characters in my head, the more I feel like I'm relying on trope-y plots and character types, and was wondering if anyone has advice on how to write characters that fulfill the role of a stock character type in that kind of story that still have some depth and personality that isn't just "the no nonsense leader," "wiseass with a heart of gold" "gentle giant" "stoic man of few words with a tragic past" "bad bitch that's got something to prove" "antsy pessimist that's worried the Intel's off and the op's gonna go sideways" etc

I'm working on names and personalities and character designs and they're starting to feel like they're starting to come together and I have a sense of their interpersonal dynamics, but I keep feeling like it's starting to get too derivative or predictable and feel like the beats for bringing out some characterization naturally with incidental dialogue as the plot unfolds or little character details or moments seem too shoehorned and was wondering if any writers have some tips for how to add some of that color to a script that feels natural to the genre and momentum of a story without being like "and NOW I'll add some depth to character x before we move on"

Thanks in advance

  • LocalOaf [they/them, ze/hir]
    16 days ago

    Like I said, it's space-NATO lmao

    ONI were probably doing Years of Lead shit arming the Frieden too but that's speculation

      • LocalOaf [they/them, ze/hir]
        16 days ago

        Oh shit I just got a great idea to incorporate a canon character that's only mentioned indirectly by the main canon stuff in a really cool way that nerds that know who it is will be like leo-point

        This is coming together well, I gotta get a design doc together and make a first pass spec script

        It's weird, I love Halo but think most of it is disappointing for more than a decade and I could do better as a major nerdy fan, and who knows, maybe I will! sicko-lea