- No one with principles fucks up the anarchist symbol that badly
- Hardly no one paints the hammer and cicle, it's too hard
- We love leftist unity, but you don't tag both
- Leftists can write and draw
- You left the windows intact?
Hardly no one paints the hammer and cicle, it's too hard
Speak for yourself. I've pulled it off many times in a number of bar bathrooms!
Hardly no one paints the hammer and sickle, it’s too hard
I've seen that iconified version there plenty of times on https://todon.eu/@RadicalGraffiti
No one with principles fucks up the anarchist symbol that badly
I’m not saying I’m particularly principled but…
Also putting the hammer and sickle and the anarchist symbol next to each other, two groups very famous for working well together and totally not some zionazi prick like "eh, they're the same thing, spray paint it!"
Anarchist symbol is also very shitty and doesn't look like a real one
Look at how much they struggled with connecting the circle and connecting the A to the circle, sloppy as fuck
A guy I used to work with has been plastering his LinkedIn with “see how the videos are faked” with sexy looking Arabic-looking women posing behind fake protest sets.
Like, whats the claim? Gaza is actually really good right now, <redacted>? They just pretended the hospital is gone and Israel is too naive to counter that propaganda?
I literally don’t get it. He genuinely and aggressively believes that the Palestinians are just faking their suffering, which is such blatant denial that he must feel guilty about it but nonetheless that’s what his LinkedIn is about now.
Intersection of right-wing brainworms that all mass shootings are faked by the deep state with crisis actors mixed with anti-muslim bigotry.
lol I wonder if you ask them if the IDF is real then and what are they doing, dropping thousands of bombs on random empty tents and cardboard targets in the desert just for money?
Literally the historical significance of the battle of Khaybar is that the Muslims did not kill all the Jews.
Even the Wikipedia article refers to the death toll as "remarkably low"
Also no way some ACAB punks know what the fuck Khaybar is, that’s something that would primarily be known by Jews who have went to seminary or whatever
I didn't even know about it. This is 100% done by the people who own the building for propaganda purposes lmao.
Not a single leftist and probably not even that many antisemites would have any idea what that is.
I really thought the graffiti said ghay bar to start and I was confused
Uh, pretty sure that's a reference to the song by Electric Shesh.
Now why would I graffiti a Herzlian's center with a reference to an obscure event when I could share a quote from one of their heroes instead?
I wouldn't graffiti an anticolonial Jew's structure since they might be annoyed regardless of my intent, but if I had to do it then I'd paint something cute like a heart or a lamb.
Oh is the building owned by an anti-Zionist Jewish organization? That makes it even more likely it was some seething Zionist Jew trying to own diaspora libs. Zionists Jews absolutely HATE anti-Zionist diaspora liberal Jews.
You raise an excellent point, but I am guessing that the target here was Herzlian, not anticolonial.
to be fair they did a very convincing hammer and sickle, that mf is difficult to do unless you practice