EDIT: URL has been changed to new git location on sourcehut. Not all projects mentioned below have continued to exist.

So I just kinda code as a hobby and as a result I probably have a lot of shitty code.

I just recently started looking into IPFS and really just wrote up ipm yesterday as a way to handle pins better, as the having to remember hashes or blindly look around your repo got annoying very quickly.

capital is so aptly named as it's meant for those with a lack of it 😏 basically I'm very on top of making sure my finances are okay since capitalism makes have to worry about money. It started off as my second project ever so there's probably a lot that I should work on and it's not yet complete (e.g. paying off credit cards is still done manually through SQL as I haven't put in the functionality) but it works well for my flow.

Just ignore savoybot lmao, it's been through a lot. That was my first ever project and I had to do a lot to go around Discord's awful API. Apparently now all the stuff I hacked around is made a lot easier, but I probably won't go back to it since fuck Discord. It'll either get rewritten for Matrix or just scrapped and a Matrix bot start anew. What I managed to get out of it is pretty nifty though.