Read more about the findings here and feel free to use this research for the next 4 years as something to rub snarky liberal noses into
Green party voters are not disaffected Dems, they are just people who hate the status quo, for whatever reason. Dems spent so much time & energy yelling at them and they were never going to vote for them. On the other hand, disaffected Dems just decided to stay home and probably don't even know that the Green party exists.
Dems spent so much time & energy yelling at them
some part of their psyche is aware that voting democrat is a bad idea; so they act out by condemning people who they feel have emancipated themselves from american propaganda.
shakespeare said it best: my lady doth protest too much.
DNC looking at this
"What are these weird little pictures? They just look lines intersecting??"
I did the math out in here maybe a week after the election and it was pretty clear that even had all third party voters voted for Harris it wouldn't have made a difference both in the popular count or in a number of swing states. Trump's success is because he gained a lot of votes from 2020 and Harris lost a lot. I haven't seen breakdowns of the numbers but I would guess it was mostly abstainers or libertarian voters in 2020 that came over to him this year, not former Biden voters.