Considering he's apparently a piece of shit parent in general (outside of the neglect), I honestly think the less time those kids spend around him, the better.
Honestly giving some of them Wi-fi password ass names alone should be considered child abuse if you ask me.
Dude is 53 years old grow the fuck up it's embarrassing
Like go spend time with your kids what are you doing
Considering he's apparently a piece of shit parent in general (outside of the neglect), I honestly think the less time those kids spend around him, the better.
Honestly giving some of them Wi-fi password ass names alone should be considered child abuse if you ask me.
It would be in Iceland, a majority white country with a homogeneous culture aka his dumb racist dream
I never want to hear one of the normies on 4chan brag about how edgy he is. Bro, YOU’RE the mainstream. Hell, you always have been.
his kids don't deserve to be subjected to his presence