A few more details here: https://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/2024/12/employees-witnessed-co-worker-stab-company-president-court-documents-show.html
He was wearing a black medical mask and drove away in a BMW. The company is called Anderson Express. The president is named Erik Denslow and he was stabbed on his right side just below the ribs.
Ok so originally I thought this guy, who had only been working there two weeks, joined the company just so he could stab the company president at the first meeting he saw him at.
Now it sounds like he didn't plan this out at all! What did Denslow say??? I NEED MORE DEETS.
(In my headcanon, I imagine all the cool assassinations have this like Shinzo Abe and Brian Thompson with the ghoul saying “Will Smith just smacked the shit out of me” entire oscar audience laughs when they hit the ground)
The establishment does this for serious criminals that they want to absolutely roast. Never mind the weekly shootings that happen in Muskegon and Grand Rapids against civillians or those caught in their crossfire. Those are one off passing by mentions. The whole "if it was me on the street you'd walk right by me" types of stories.
But injure a C-suit? Hold the damned presses wall to wall FULL NAME mother's angry coverage.
A few more details here: https://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/2024/12/employees-witnessed-co-worker-stab-company-president-court-documents-show.html
He was wearing a black medical mask and drove away in a BMW. The company is called Anderson Express. The president is named Erik Denslow and he was stabbed on his right side just below the ribs.
The stabber, 32 year old Nathan Joseph Mahoney, left the meeting. Ten minutes later, he reentered the room, walked up to Denslow, stabbed him, then left.
I wonder if anyone used his middle name before this? Probably not.
Ok so originally I thought this guy, who had only been working there two weeks, joined the company just so he could stab the company president at the first meeting he saw him at.
Now it sounds like he didn't plan this out at all! What did Denslow say??? I NEED MORE DEETS.
I wonder what he said just before he left
(In my headcanon, I imagine all the cool assassinations have this like Shinzo Abe and Brian Thompson with the ghoul saying “Will Smith just smacked the shit out of me” entire oscar audience laughs when they hit the ground)
No, no. My question was what the guy who was stabbed said that made the stabber walk out to go fetch a knife
oh come on, just go for the neck
Maybe he didn't want him to die, just be hurt?
the weapon
The establishment does this for serious criminals that they want to absolutely roast. Never mind the weekly shootings that happen in Muskegon and Grand Rapids against civillians or those caught in their crossfire. Those are one off passing by mentions. The whole "if it was me on the street you'd walk right by me"
types of stories.
But injure a C-suit? Hold the damned presses wall to wall FULL NAME mother's angry coverage.