Had to take 25 mg of hydroxyzine for my anxiety, and 1,000 mg of acetaminophen + 800 mg ibuprofen just to tolerate the pain.
It was still painful enough to make me scream, but at least it was faster than the first time. She actually knew what she was doing, it seemed like, but I don't think she anticipated how much pain I'd be in.
Also! I think I might be allergic to benzocaine! The topical anaesthetic she used burned like hell.
Getting an IUD placed is on up there with most unpleasant experiences of my life. At least it was quick, the doctor who did it was clearly very practiced, and I'd had a valium and some pretty strong ibuprofen beforehand, so that helped, but my god was it awful! I'm just really glad I got my uterus removed so I never have to get another IUD. It's a special kind of pain, having stuff shoved through your cervix, that's for sure.
I'm sorry you had to go through it, hopefully you can take some time to recover and won't have to do it again for several years!
the way IUDs are handled feels like the standards of care and best practices were directly pulled from the 1950s without a single alteration
i'm sorry 💔
If you didn't, you might want to mention that pain with the benzocaine to the doc. I don't have those "parts" but I can imagine some stranger opening up my uretha and jaming objects around in there isn't pleasant at all. Hope you recover quickly and give yourself some excuse for comfort food and a feel good movie to cozy with
when i got my last one removed i cried and the doctor laughed at me
Come here doc let me wreck around in there a bit and see if you're laughing then.
Glad you got it over with, and sorry it always hurts so much. Wishing you a speedy recovery comrade.