I'm curious to know what others think of this.

I'm personally for keeping it as I see the benefit coming in a few years having many more EV's available in the second hand market. Currently it's pretty much dominated by mainly Nissan Leaf's at the lower end of the secondhand market.

I know of a few people as well who have bought EV/Hybrids recently that would not have even considered going for EV's or even hybrids without the rebate.

  • BalpeenHammer@lemmy.nz
    1 year ago

    Everyone is gravitating to SUV EVs which are hideoisly inefficient. It’s like the McMansion-isation of personal transport.

    That's because everyone prefers SUVs period. Ask any car dealer how the sedans and the wagons are selling. Hell some manufacturers have even stopped selling them. For example Honda no longer sells Accords in NZ and they don't even make a wagon anymore. Go look at the toyota web site and you'll see no mention of prius.