
      • Black
        10 months ago

        Show debate pervert

        This culture will never allow for the abolishing of the police without a full-on revolution against every other fucked-sideways aspect of this settler-colonial nightmare. Or did we not watch the same process in which "Abolish the police" got co-opted by the DNC into "defund the police", and then into "fund the police"? Into "further militarize the police"? And now they're felonizing the 60+ people fighting Cop City in Atlanta for the simple 'crime' of protesting a federal cop training camp in their backyard, after said cops have already slabbed out like six people themselves. So with what little respect you and your redditor pith are due, take this cop-suckery back to the fraternal order you got it from.

        • Black
          10 months ago

          "just VOOT(for our guy) guys, just keep VOOTING(for our party) and getting incarcerated/felonized/carcerally enslaved/fucking murdered for the kind of shit white folk get slapped on the wrist for, you just gotta keep VOOTING(for us specifically)"

  • LibsEatPoop [any]
    10 months ago

    The fucker laughed as he was driving away. And the only reason this was caught because he was left his body cam on by mistake AND another officer happened to be going over old footage months later.

    I wonder if that dipshit Vivek Ramaswamy or Tulsi Gabbard or hell even Kopmala Harris will talk about this. Just another “tragedy”. Just another “bad apple”.

    This entire country is rotten to its core.

    • Black
      10 months ago

      I wonder if that dipshit Vivek Ramaswamy or Tulsi Gabbard or hell even Kopmala Harris will talk about this.

      "Tots and pears", as usual out of them-- they're all allies to the Fraternal Orders, and one only needs to look at all the military surplus funneled to PDs over even just the past years. (Pro-tip: the program this surplus is funneled under has been around since 1990, and over $7.4 billion in surplus has been funneled so far.)