Obviously, start with a midas

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Mute your team, because they neither understand your hero, nor the game

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Choose your mantra: A) Haste makes waste; B) Soon ripe, soon rotten; C) Rome wasn't built in a day

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Hit a strong timing at 17:50: some damage and attack speed is all you need. Time for our first interaction with other heroes (don't sweat if they walk away, your time will come...)

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You carried your team so far, now it's time to show the enemy who's boss

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It's fine to re-assess your item choices. Of course you didn't make a mistake, but a new situation calls for new solutions

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Make sure to jungle between fights, to keep up your farm

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Your time is valuable, don't even waste a second

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  • Flyswat@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I ban WK every game because he's boring to play with or against.

    His play style is just : right click enemies, get crits, stun occasionally, die, revive, repeat