
        1 year ago

        I'll let Randall Munroe decide that himself, considering the fact that he provides URLs for hotlinking below the comics

          1 year ago

          I don't mean the act of embedding or direct linking in general, but in link aggregators these comics are well known for their alt text, which cannot be seen from the direct link.

          I think a good practice might be embedding the comic directly in your comment along with a "source" link.

    1 year ago

    I know it's not nearly as nested as this, but nesting in Rust annoys the hell out of me.

    impl {
        fn {
            for {
                match {
                    case => {

    is something I've run into a few times

    1 year ago

    Back when I was still in school, I ran a few tests on real world LISP and Java (the then dominant language, this was in the late days of Sun Microsystems succes).

    Turns out most LISP programs had fewer parentheses then Java had braces, parens and brackets.