• rozako [she/her]
        4 years ago

        I feel like all their recent controversies are ruining their chances for that honestly. I know so many people who have exitted the party because of it in the past two months. They really fumbled a lot recently.

        • gammison [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          PSL has not been able to keep up with DSAs growth for the past 16 years. It was super sectarian and had huge leadership problems when it started and remains with those problems today. I highly doubt it will ever hit the growth DSA has.

          • gammison [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            They have a long history at this point with protecting sexual assault (posting the most recent one, whole thing is super messy) within the group, and being extremely invasive to party members private lives in the event they do something that goes against the parties (read criticize leadership) line. They also just literally have a prominent member that does a show with an ex-CIA guy. Here's a list of stuff a member who was in PSL for years put together. I'd be very wary considering joining a group where this stuff comes up over and over again over the years. They also as I understand really keep stuff some their veteran members did in Iraq and Afghanistan hushed up. Really ruined my opinion of Mike Prysner after I found out. Financially I'm also sketched out by how much in dues they demand.

            The amount of toxic drama and legit issues that come up year after year is wild.

            From an ex-member on the chapo discord:

            i mean their candidacy process is literally designed to alienate you from your friends and loved ones so the party replaces that in your life, they not only make you pay dues which is normal but they hand out a collection basket at every meeting like a church, the becker family controls the whole thing, they control what you can and can’t post about on social media, they view themselves as the only hope for revolutionary salvation in the US, they cover up sexual assault and honestly just exist as a fundraising machine, they attach themselves to meaningless marches and take credit for them and then try to raise money, they suck so much ass tbh [9:33 PM] i’m saying this as ex-PSL btw [9:34 PM] ben becker told me to miss my first HRT appointment so i could go to their march in washington against trump lol

              • gammison [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Yeah now you know the problem with all the small centralized party orgs in the US (and UK, and Germany, etc, really this sort of stuff is in a bunch of rump organizations).

          • rozako [she/her]
            4 years ago

            The other commentor said a lot of what I'd say. Also read this if you're curious about more.